
Posts Tagged ‘US Air Force help’

As we celebrate Independence Day weekend, please take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices of our forefathers and those who serve our great nation every day. I wish everyone a safe and educational summer. Please drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen, swim safely, drive safely and read as much as you can!

This week we’re going to work on chapter 6, the United States Air Force. All of the answers have been provided for us…we just need to unscramble the letters! Even the final answer requires us to unscramble certain letters within our answers. Let’s focus on the smallest (yet still very important) word of our final answer. Number 3 contains only three letters and the quotes indicate that it is probably a nickname. We will need to answer three different chapter questions in order to find the needed letters. Here is the first question containing one of those letters:

2. This former Commanding General of the Army Air Force became the first Chief of Staff of the newly formed United States Air Force in 1947.

This question contains many key words so don’t be stingy with your search:

First chief of staff U.S. Air Force 1947

When I searched these key words, I found several websites which gave me the correct answer. However, some of the websites neglected to mention the gentleman’s middle initial. Since our answer requires the middle initial, just enter the first and last name into your search engine to find his full name.

The second question which contains a portion of our final answer is number six:

6. On December 17, 1993, the first operational B-2 stealth bomber was delivered to the USAF. What was the B-2’s name?

Alright, we are looking for the name of the first B-2 stealth bomber, so both first and B-2 are key. Also, dates are always important, so let’s try:

name of first B-2 + Dec 17, 1993

Make certain that you are searching for the name of the first B-2….many of the stealth bombers have very similar names!

Let’s look at the final question which contains a piece of the third clue for the final answer:

23. …In December 1941, this pilot lost his life when his Spitfire V collided with an Oxford Trainer aircraft. A poem he wrote, which reached his parents after his death, gave him a different kind of military fame.

Once again, we have a date to begin our search. We’re looking for the name of a pilot, a Spitfire pilot to be more specific, who wrote a poem that became famous. Your search may resemble this:

December 1941 + Spitfire pilot + famous poem

Now you should have the final letter to complete the third word of the final answer…don’t forget to unscramble the letters! I hope you have success with the remaining clues and questions in chapter six. The final TH4 deadline is August 15th. Good luck!

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