
Posts Tagged ‘College of Charleston’

What a busy time of year for current and prospective students! Many are in the midst of exams, some are prepping for summer jobs or internships, and others are eagerly anticipating graduation day. This week, I’m delighted to introduce Jenna Barker, a history major who will graduate Summa Cum Laude from the College of Charleston in just a few weeks. Including a $3,000 Folds of Honor Foundation/ThanksUSA Scholarship for the 2011-2012 academic year, Jenna has received $6,000 in ThanksUSA scholarships for her undergraduate studies.


Always passionate about learning, Jenna was inspired to pursue her major after taking a Modern African History course. She explains, “I loved learning about an area that is largely neglected in High School History courses and developed a passion for the diverse cultures, languages, and historical experiences of the people of that continent.” Although she hasn’t selected a graduate school yet, Jenna is determined to pursue a Master’s degree in African Studies.

When she first enrolled in college, Jenna faced a dilemma all too common to military dependents…residency. When her father retired from the Air Force, Jenna was unable to be granted in-state tuition.

Residency guidelines differ from state to state and many military dependents have found themselves battling for in-state status. Jenna notes, “Thankfully, legislation is now being passed to keep military and retiree dependents from falling through the cracks.”

Despite the financial worries associated with her education, Jenna embraced college life, excelled academically, and will soon be a college graduate. ThanksUSA is proud to have been a part of Jenna’s educational journey and we encourage all military dependents and spouses to apply for this year’s ThanksUSA Scholarship. Applications are being accepted through May 15, 2012, and complete details and instructions can be found here.

We close this week’s Scholarship News with Jenna’s message of gratitude to the Folds of Honor Foundation and ThanksUSA supporters:

“The ThanksUSA Scholarships have been such an enormous blessing for me! I have so much respect for this program—thank you for everything you do to help military families with this huge expense. This is an excellent and much-needed program and a great way to show military families that they are understood and supported.”

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